What Exterior Materials Can I Use?

Per Section 18.718(3), Standards for all Residential, Office, Commercial, and the PI Zoning Districts:

Except for exposed foundations not to exceed 3 feet in height from the adjacent grade, all non-single family development located within the RH, CR-10ac, ER-1, SR-4, TR-6, MR-8, MR-10, IR, NO, PO, NB, PB, GB, CB, and PI districts shall employ only high quality, decorative exterior construction materials on the visible exterior of the following portions of all structures and buildings:

 (a)  any portion of the building or structure visible from adjacent residentially zoned property;

 (b)  any portion of the building or structure located within 50 feet of a public right-of-way; or,

 (c) any other portion of the building or structure visible from a public street and/or situated at an angle of 60 degrees or less: from a line which is parallel to the nearest right-of-way (for uncurved rights-ofway); or from a line which is parallel to a chord connecting the right-of-way boundary on the inside side of the curve at points located at, or opposite from, the two outer boundaries of the subject property along the right-of-way line (for curved rights-of-way).

 The following exterior construction materials shall NOT be considered "high quality, decorative:" nondecorative concrete block or cinder block, non-decorative concrete foundation walls or panels, corrugated walls or panels, non-decorative plywood, asphaltic siding, or other non-decorative surfaces as determined by the Plan Commission.